I received a letter from Equian (formerly Trover Solutions) saying they have partnered with BCBSIL to investigate my medical claim. Should I respond to the letter?




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    I called BCBL IL and they confirmed it is a valid 3rd party vendor they use to validate claims that may be for services that may be due to injury.  I called the number on my EOB for the service in question for my letter.


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    Nicole Bradley

    I read this Is a scam. Bc anything regarding my medical information my insurance company would call me

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    Nicole Bradley

    Why even respond to it when we know they aren't real insurance company

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    Barry Jameson

    You owe no duty to nor have expressly given any duty to Equian.  Let them deal with Kaiser, like you did.

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    Michael Lucas

    I got a letter yesterday, saying the exact same thing. It appears, I got a letter three or so weeks ago, from the Hospital Billing Department, saying I owe "490.00" bucks but the injury was back in August of this year. I guess, they 'are' scammers or a 'collection agency' to make payment to them, "INSTEAD" of the Hospital. I had car repairs to tend to.. The Hospital Syndicate in my area, already gets LOTS of money out of my TAXES, I pay. I think it's a 'collection harassment' letter being very suspicious and vague. 

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