If you are over 65, and do not qualify for Medicare, you can buy Marketplace insurance and get cost assistance.
You may be eligible for cost assistance based on your household size and income.
If You are Over 65, But Don't Qualify For Medicare
If you are over 65 but not eligible for Medicare you are still eligible to get coverage on the exchange. If you meet the qualifications based on income and family size, you are eligible for cost-saving subsidies, too.
If you have retiree health benefits you’re considered covered under the ACA and won't be penalized. You can replace that coverage with other coverage. However, if your retirement coverage is considered affordable and meets certain minimum standards, or if you are eligible for Medicare but have chosen not to enroll, you won’t qualify for cost-saving subsidies.
Please be aware that if you are over 65 the fee for NOT having coverage still applies.
IMPORTANT: If you do have access to Medicare, it is illegal for someone to sell you a non-Medicare health plan and you won't be able to shop on the Marketplace.
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