Ameritas Dental Insurance Policy Review




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    Ryan Kennelly

    Zack - this was a simple billing issue from your provider, unfortunately it happens more often than it should, happy we got it resolved.

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    Zachery Brown

    A perfect example of why we need universal healthcare in this country. After hours of searching for the best network (best option is always $2000 a year in coverage around 50$ a month covering 50% of care after 6month-1yr wait periods so if you have $4000 worth of work done in a year within the covered time you save 1,200$ btw, everywhere you go it's that tiny bit of coverage for a ton of headache what a wonderful illusion of choice)

    I chose this service which advertises that they 100% cover preventative care including check ups, cleaning, x rays after a yearly 50$ co pay. Then 6 month waiting period for the above mentioned. After going in for my first check up and x ray to a dentist within their network I receive my claim coverage of 0$. 0$ for the most basic of preventative care from a dentist in their network. So absolutely no service for the service advertised and paid for. I then attempted to get information on why they're garbage by calling, after 20 min of trying to get to a representative they hang up on me on "Hello" before I can even switch from speaker to phone they have hung up asking me to "take survey" well I let them know there and I'll let everyone know where ever possible.

    Insurance companies are bloodsucking middlemen monsters destroying our country, universal healthcare now!

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    Ryan Kennelly

    Hi Zack,

    This is not a typical outcome and unheard of. Can you email a copy of any documents (bill, EOB, etc.) to so we can review and get back to you? 

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    Zachery Brown


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